On the occasion of World Refugee Day on June 20th, 2016, the United Nations released a report declaring that conflict and persecution had resulted in a record number of more than 65 million forcibly displaced people. The global figures are staggering, with 1 out of 113 people forced to seek asylum due to violence and political conflict.
Each year, the Unites States President works with Congressional lawmakers to determine the annual quota for refugee admission according to need and circumstance. In 2016, the quota ceiling was set to accept 85,000 refugees. Limited aid is provided, with each refugee receiving a one-time stipend of about $1,000. This goes towards living and adjustment expenses for the first three months, with the expectation of economic self-sufficiency soon after.
Unfortunately, this can be difficult to achieve, due to many factors beyond their control. Many of the refugees coming into the country are well educated and highly skilled, but they often struggle to find jobs that match their qualifications. Meanwhile, it can also be difficult for young refugee immigrants to make friends, adjust to American youth culture, and navigate the college applications process. There are formal barriers to assimilation such as language proficiency, lack of diploma recognition, and employment gaps in their professional CVs and resumes. Informal barriers can also be formidable, which include prejudice and the lack of a social and professional network for finding meaningful work and community.
By aiming to address these issues, New Citizen Project will be supporting newcomers as they strive to overcome these barriers and integrate into our communities. By empowering a new wave of citizens, we can help them make a positive difference in their lives and our society—the ultimate win-win for all.